MuskMelon Juice

 Chennai is usually associated with heat and humidity. We experience three levels of this heat..mild heat when the other parts of the country is experiencing winter, bearable heat and the scorching summer heat.Being on a coast and in a rain shadow area, we  cannot escape this heat and thanks to the global warming , this summer has started off with a huge temperature rise than usual.Instead of just thinking about this and sulking ,I decided to make this cool juice to take my mind off the impending three months of summer.
Muskmelon cubes    2 cups
Cold water               1 1/2 cups
Lemon                    1/2
Sugar/Honey to taste
Transfer the musk melon , water and sugar to a blender and blend it till smooth
Squeeze the lemon  and mix well
Pour into serving glasses, put some ice and serve!!
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 27 
Linking this to Kalyani's Summer Splash

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