I have joined yet another challenge "DARING BAKERS"!!!!!The August 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Elissa of 17 and Baking. For the first time, The Daring Bakers partnered with Sugar High Fridays for a co-event and Elissa was the gracious hostess of both. Using the theme of beurre noisette, or browned butter, Elissa chose to challenge Daring Bakers to make a pound cake to be used in either a Baked Alaska or in Ice Cream Petit Fours. The sources for Elissa’s challenge were Gourmet magazine and David Lebovitz’s “The Perfect Scoop”.
You can find the challenge recipe here

My first DB challenge was indeed challenging.....I spread the challenge over three days,DAY1: was baking day.This was the first time that i baked a pound cake, it tasted awesome, too good:-). DAY 2 was the ice cream day , i just used up the chocolate ice cream that i already had in my freezer but had to pour it into a proper container and refreeze it again. .Later i cut the cake into two(very unequal parts though)and sandwiched the ice cream in between .DAY 3 was for glazing and assembly .I prepared the chocolate glaze and let it cool.
All was going well till this step
DISASTER 1...... i tried to cut the cake into petit fours, but i was so jittery that the ice cream would melt, i cut the cake into petit 8.....petit 16......gross 8.....Well couldn't help :-(
Disaster 2 i start glazing the cakes, then i see that the ice cream is already making its way out, oh no!!!!!!!
Now the last final showdown....I finish glazing all the pieces and arranged them in the freezer...."POWER SHUTDOWN"...Damn EB...What do you think i did now????????????The only thing which i can think of doing in times like this"PRAY"..Hmm HE took some mercy on me i guess, got back the power shortly and this is how my petit fours look like. But it tasted awesome.My family loved it. Thanks ELISSA for the challenge and thank you Daring kitchen for letting me join:-)

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